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Confidence is the Key!

mamat saha 2The only person you can change and control is you. Think about what you are going to do that will catapult you out of your comfort zone and how this will help you leave your legacy Nobody is GOING to offer you confidence on a PLATE 

We all like feeling good about ourselves. So how do we allow knocks to our confidence and what is the best way to bounce back? Read the tips below to hold your head up high with confidence, always. You are born with two fears in life, falling over and loud noises. Every other fear you have is learnt and man-made. Think back to a time in your life where you felt the most invincible. Now go back to that time in your mind, feel the strength in your core as you close your eyes and visualise that moment. Re-experience those emotions and let them come back to you, feel the sensations again and visualise all the emotions being bottled and captured in your body’s centre. Know that this is your supply/reserve of ‘confidence and greatness’ that you can always come back to whenever you may need a top up.

Remember and allow yourself to feel these emotions again. Do not let any historical battle scars of emotion that are left as hurdles of residue, stop you from feeling that strength. It is important that you stop relying on the approval of others to justify who you are, what you are and how you choose to live your life. When you use the opinions of others as a barometer of your self worth you are at their mercy. Humans have millions of opinions which mean they are prone to being fickle. No one knows you better than you. Revise your strengths and stand up tall. We all have faults, no one is perfect and we know this. But, remember, you have strengths too. List 50 reasons why you are excellent, read them morning, day and night. See them and believe in them, be your own best friend, not your own worst enemy.

Think about what you stand for and represent. Being clear on your personal branding, know that by having this you immediately gain confidence. One creative way of defining this is by spending some time alone in reflection. All you need is a minute to close your eyes and think about the impact that you want to create, see yourself creating this impact and create a vision to aspire to. Try to create this vision through pictures; this is called a vision board. If you look at this every day you will find that it gives you focus and before you know it, perception will become reality.

Make the choice to have the confidence to discover your strengths. Remember the positive truth about yourself and have the courage to believe, draw and trust that it is true. Challenge the negative voices in your mind and be your own best friend, not your own worst enemy. Notice the noise in your mind and write down what you are telling yourself. Split your thoughts into two categories: positive – helpful to me, negative – unhelpful to me. Focus all your energy and attention on the positive; make the most of these thoughts and the least of the negative. Scrub them out and realise that they are like a disease, carrying pollution that will definitely impact and stop you from being the best you can be.

The only person you can change and control is you. Think about what you are going to do that will catapult you out of your comfort zone and how this will help you leave your legacy. Visualise your funeral, and what people are saying. Work backwards and plan what you need to do to create this impact. Learn to pay attention to opportunities that will appear and grab them because if you do not somebody else will.

Every action has a reaction! What choices have you made that set you up for an outcome that you did not want or need? What worked (retain) and what did not (eliminate)? It is up to you to choose solid, reliable teachers. Not for substituting their thinking for your own, but to add to your personal knowledge. Think about the company you keep. Be mindful that negative energy from others weighs you down and positive energy puts fuel in you to drive you forward. Successful people develop the ability to manage their state by not becoming emotionally attached to anything negative they hear. Negativity creates barriers that are a complete waste of time to jump over.

You have got what it takes and you are worth the effort it will take to find the truth and build a successful life. Remember, nobody is going to offer you confidence on a plate, you have to do it yourself. Remember it is okay, you do not need anything that you do not have within you to be confident. The quicker you understand, acknowledge and accept accountability for your life the quicker the results will be as you desire. Go for it now. Your future is foretold!

By Mamta Saha