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Crompton Litter Picking Event

Crompton Litter Picking Event

On Monday 26th May, Bolton community development partnership (Bolton CDP) in collaboration with St. Thomas primary school, the councillors of Crompton Ward in Bolton, Bolton Green Umbrella, Crompton Neighbourhood Management and members of faith groups based on Crompton launched the Kingsley Street community garden project. The students of St Thomas year 5 and 6 leading to community litter picking event around the Kingsley Street area. This event enables the students to take ownership and lead on community garden project and making their local environment clean.
This event will be followed by the students participating in a competition to design what they want the local green space to look like in terms of the community garden and relaxation area. They will be supported by the local residents in achieving what they envision the space to be like.
If you have any ideas or you have skills to help support this project, please contact us at info@boltoncdp.org