Hello and welcome to Issue 8 of Chai Times.
Apologies for the long interval after Issue 7 – in future we will be aiming to go to press every two months, and don’t forget that you can also catch up with local news on thechaitimes.co.uk
Much has been happening in and around Bolton recently and we will be bringing you news in future issues of the impact of a number of matters affecting residents of Bolton, and Greater Manchester in general. In particular, on 4th May Greater Manchester goes to the polls for an election that will see an unprecedented level of budgetary control devolved to an executive mayor.
The Big Bolton Expo on 28th March was another opportunity for local business to highlight their services and products, with over 85 exhibitors in attendance for this year’s event.
A number of ‘community’ events highlight the spirit of our town in celebrating community-minded groups and individuals in our great town. We are delighted that Great Lever Connected won the ‘Stronger Community Star’ award in this year’s Bolton at Home Community Star awards.
Women in Neighbourhood’s Inspirational Women Awards 2017 event will be held from 6pm on the 12th May and this year is being hosted by the University of Bolton. Our guest of honour will once again be Gordon Burns. With over a dozen local businesses and 250 expected attendees, this year’s bigger and better event is one to watch out for.
On 23rd June Bolton Young Person’s Housing Scheme celebrates its 25th anniversary with a Silver Jubilee Gala Dinner at the Holiday Inn. The charitable organisation, led by CEO Maura Jackson, has achieved a remarkable level of success in helping disadvantaged young people in Bolton.
We hope you enjoy reading this edition of Chai Times and, as always, we welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions.
Warmest regards
Gulnaz Brennan