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EU Funding Events

eventsEU Funding Events in February

Lancaster University Management School

We would like to invite small and medium-sized businesses in Lancashire to two EU funding events at Lancaster University Management School on the afternoon of Tuesday 11th February and the afternoon of Thursday 13th February 2014

Tuesday, 11th February 2014 

Registration and Networking lunch from 1.00pm – 2.00pm followed by workshop from 2.00pm – 5.00 pm

Dr James Clipson of the Technology Strategy Board (the UK’s Innovation Agency) will to talk to SMEs about innovation grants available through the Technology Strategy Board and provide advice on the application process. He will be talking about Innovation Vouchers (up to £5,000 for business advice); SMART (science, engineering, technology projects); The Small Business Research Initiative and EUROSTARS.

For more information and details on how to apply click here

Thursday, 13th February 2014 

Registration and Networking lunch 12.30pm – 1.30pm Workshop & Presentations 1.30pm – 5.00pm

Enterprise Europe Network will host this event on HORIZON2020 (H2020), the new EU funding programme for Research, Development and Innovation that starts this year.

The CEO of Enterprise Europe Network, Fiona Castela, along with her colleagues from other European support networks, will present these opportunities.  The event has an ICT emphasis as information and communications technologies are very often at the heart of innovation in a range of businesses.  The workshop also features a case study from Dr Matteo Dalla Valle, Head of Regulatory Services at the Reach Centre who will speak about their experience of two FP7 projects (the previous research and innovation programme replaced by H2020). The Reach Centre is one of the leading international providers of regulatory services to industry and is active in various market sectors.

For more information and details on how to apply click here

Who should attend?

These workshops will be of interest to Small and Medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the North West who are interested in growing their business using research and innovation funded through the European Union. Guidance on the preparation and submission of proposals will be available and the workshops will provide opportunities for networking and questions