Friends of School Hill (FOSH), a community group aims at providing the local community with the opportunity to be involved in totally inclusive and accessible activities to promote their well-being and community cohesion announced its first public meeting.
This project is initialy focusing on a piece of land located at the Egyptian street off Blackburn road, given to Halliwell neighbourhood management to see if they can do environmental project on it. BCDP in partnership with Halliwell neighbourhood management and Saint Matthew`s primary school is working towards utilizing the ABCD principles to help engage the local community with the space. BCDP is currently having informal conversation with associations around the area about what they want in that piece of green space and what talents and gifts they can contribute to make it a community owned project.
This upcoming event will be the next major step in the project’s evolution, which will take place on Wednesday October 19th at Saint Matthew`s primary school. The meeting will share details about the project and its objectives with local people, including a series of early designs which will be shared for public input.
If you are living or working in School Hill area in Bolton, please come along to this public session to help us shape the neighbourhood we live in.
for more information about the FOSH project please visit the link below: