David Crausby MP has welcomed the news that the Government will consider the introduction of the mandatory display of food hygiene rating, having campaigned for the ratings to be displayed on the doors of takeaways and other food outlets across England. At the moment the system is voluntary and often only those with high ratings will display the sticker.
Mr Crausby tabled a motion in Parliament last October calling on the UK Government to follow the example of Wales, where it is compulsory to display hygiene rating stickers. He has now received a response from Government Ministers to a written question which confirms that the Food Standards Agency is collecting evidence from Wales. The Government will consider the impact of the mandatory display of food hygiene ratings to see if similar measures should be used in England.
“I’m sure the Welsh example will demonstrate that simply putting the stickers on the doors is a common sense approach to improving access to information about food hygiene scores. I hope that this soon becomes a reality across the UK.”