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Great Lever Connected (GLC)


Bringing Together Community Groups in Great Lever to Run the Former UCAN centre


Valuable work being carried Vout for the community of Great Lever will continue thanks to funding from Bolton Council, Bolton at Home and Bolton Community Home s and the dedication of Community Groups volunteer workers.

Founded in April 2014 Great Lever Connected (GLC) inherits the mantle of UCAN – and operates from the existing office at 98 Calvert Road. GLC brings together r epr e s ent a tive s from s eve r a l community groups in the area with the aim to enhance existing services and to develop new opportunities for people in Great Lever, Bolton.

A key offering of the centre, in an age of high unemployment and stiff competition for new jobs, is provision of computer access to enable local people to search for suitable positions via Universal Job Match – as well as offering support and advice on CVs and interview skills. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes take place on Mondays and Fridays and Chris Ashton holds one-to-one advice sessions on money management, saving and budgeting.

Great Lever Connected draws together seemingly diverse groups – with the aim of enhancing the lives of those in the community and encouraging community events and exchange of ideas. The management c o m m i t t e e c o n s i s t s o f representatives of groups from Pop in and Learn, All Natural Health, Women in Neighbourhood(WiN),


Shauna Morten (Staunch Champion & Supporter)

Bolton Environment Enterprise, Urban Growers, Job Club. Bolton at Home to name a few.Caroline Tosal-Suprun, the newly a p p o i n t e d C o m m u n i t y Development Officer (CDO), currently works as Women’s CDO for Bolton at Home and also coordinates work at the Christine Partington House Project. Caroline features in the recently published book ‘Inspirational Women 2014’ written by Gulnaz Brennan (WiN). Caroline is excited at the prospect of working a l ong si d e so many passionate, skilled and creative people for the next 12 months.

GLC would especially like to say a big thank you to Shauna Morton f r o m B o l t o n a t H o m e , Neighbourhood Manager John Pye and Community Development officer Chris Wood for their support and taking a bold chance on a novel idea ‘Great Lever Connected ‘.F o r f u rt h er i n f o r m a ti o n see

pic33Derek Timmins-Jones is member of the Northern Guild of Toastmasters,a full time Professional Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies.
Specialist in Wedding Toastmaster and Asian Wedding Toastmaster.Based in the North West, he has worked all over the country and appeared on TV in the “Celebrity 4 Weddings” reality show on Living TV. These engagements have involved officiating at a diverse range of functions and venues, covering Corporate Dinners, Fashion Events, Birthday & Cocktail Parties & Charity Dinners. A small selection of the venues where Derek has officiated as Toastmaster/ Master of Ceremonies are: Beaumont House Windsor, The Waldorf Hotel Central London, Mayfair Hotel, Hilton Hotel Manchester, Quendon Hall Essex, Gosforth Park Hotel Newcastle, The Grove Hotel Hertfordshire, Radisson Blu – Edwardian London Heathrow, Hilton Hotel T5 London Heathrow, East Midlands Exhibition Centre. Derek’s motto is: Tradition & Excellence to compliment your special occasion.