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Heartbroken couple who lost baby girl raise £1,500 to help others

Heartbroken couple who lost baby girl raise £1,500 to help others

A KIND-HEARTED couple have turned their heartbreak into an act of kindness by donating much needed equipment to help grieving parents.

In August this year Martin Robinson, aged 28 from Little Lever, and Michelle Williams, aged 27 from Tottington, lost their first born child due to complications, delivering their daughter stillborn at 26 weeks.

While recovering they were able to use the only cold cot facility at the Royal Bolton Hospital. The refrigerated cot allowed them to spend some extra days with Scarlett – and afterwards they were gifted a memory box and photographs of their daughter from charity 4Louis.

The support of both services inspired the couple to help raise funds for an additional cold cot for the hospital and, with the help of family and friends, raised more than £1,500.


Mr Robinson said: “You don’t want it to happen to anyone else and I hope it won’t be used, but we hope the cot will help others in what is a very difficult time.

“Scarlett was out in a cold cot and after all we had been through one of the hardest things I found was to put the lid on the cot and walk away, I did not want anyone else to go through that. We have fundraised for a cuddle cot which uses a cold blanket and is made up like a Moses basket so it brings normality to it.

“When I put the fundraiser on the JustGiving page all I hoped we would make is £350 but the generosity from both people we know and don’t know has shocked me.”

The overwhelming support for the fundraiser has brought some comfort for the couple following Scarlett’s death.

To help raise funds Michelle’s 29-year-old brother Martin Williams, from Elsdon, took up the challenge of cycling from Bury town centre to Blackpool, completing the challenge by dinner time.

Last weekend, the couple were joined by 4Louis to help hand over the cold cuddle cot to Bolton’s Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit.

( credits- boltonnews.co.uk)