Nazeera Atcha has overcome a number of setbacks and childhood traumas to achieve success and is now a self-employed personal trainer, operating from a studio at the Business Centre in Harrow Road, Heaton. ‘I had a couple of very lucky escapes as a child’ she recalls, ‘At the age of three I was getting off a train in India and fell between the train and the platform. My uncle grabbed me. Another time, when I was older, I was on lunch break at school and was dragged under a truck and both my legs were crushed. I was in hospital for a long time after that.’
Despite these traumas, Nazeera enjoyed an active
‘outdoor’ childhood and recalls spending much of her childhood on roller skates! This enthusiasm for a physical activity continued into adult life. In 2014 she climbed Ben Nevis in aid of charity, despite suffering a leg injury, and she has participated in Manchester 10km runs and half-marathons and took up karate at the age of 22. After studying psychology and the history of theory of art at UCLAN Nazeera taught art in schools – unusual at that time for an Asian female – and at one point had a contract with the Victoria & Albert Museum, exhibiting children’s works on the theme of ‘Image and Identity’.Later she had a role with a local council in the Northwest, encouraging ethnic minorities to take advant age of libraries and other learning facilities. Nazeera has always believed in the importance of exercise and fitness and after undergoing a Personal Trainer course at Lilleshaw Hall, in Shropshire, she set up her own business. Her studio offers personal training for children and adults, including those with a range of illnesses and conditions and caters for ages 6-60. She specialises in weight loss. Her Level 3 diploma qualification in Master Personal Training for adults and children certifies her in Circuits, Outdoor training, Advanced programme design, Clinical exercise, Postural training, Functional training, Group exercises in a variety of sports, Core stability, Training, N u t r i t i o n a n d W e i g h t Management and Pre-natal and Post-natal exercise ‘My ambition is to have some celebrity clients – and I really enjoyed the movies as a child, so would love to be in a feature film!’ she said. ‘I was inspired by films like Rocky’. In the meantime Nazeera is enjoying her role in providing training and instruction in personal fitness in the local community.