Well it’s Blue Monday today, the dreaded Monday that we are told is the low point after the New Year. The day the credit card statements arrive, the lull before the next pay cheque and the week when you’ve just about broken every new year’s resolution.
Wow, happy days eh? Well I say that’s bobbins. I believe how we feel about the months or days depend on how we frame them and I am always a glass half full kind of person.
About 4 years ago, so not that long really; I decided around September I wasn’t getting into debt for Christmas, not a penny. I made a decision to save some money and set a budget for what I wanted. I decided what didn’t fall within that budget was simply not required. I also thought that I would not want people I love and care about to get into debt and dread Blue Monday just to be able to give me a gift at Christmas. So I wasn’t doing it either. So far that has been successful for me but it took me many years to not give into the pressure I felt to spend, spend, spend.
I hear stories of people all around me trying to do all kinds of things to give people things they simply cannot afford financially and agree with some comments I saw on social media about the best thing you can spend on children is time, isn’t that the same for all our family and friends. Wouldn’t we all have benefited from some extra time both with those we care for now and those who have passed?
In order to establish the real meaning of Monday January 18th January I went right to the main source of all information – Google. I discovered yesterday the 17th was in fact Ditch New Years Resolutions Day; here bloody here. You fancy making improvements or changes? Just do it. Or don’t, its ridiculous pressure we put on ourselves. We can be our own worst critics. What I really liked was on the 20th January it is International Day of Acceptance. This was originally started to recognise respect and understanding for people of all abilities. The ethos is about following your dreams and being the best person you can be whatever your physical abilities. What a fantastic philosophy. The following day the 21st is Hugging Day. Embrace others and show them you care. The 22nd of January is the Celebration of Life day, this gets better and better! January is in fact Celebration of Life month. It suggests we should step back and really appreciate what we have. We can appreciate family, friends, health, employment, somewhere to live and food to eat.
Sunday 24th is Belly Laugh Day.
When did you last belly laugh? Think about it. Laughter is good for your health and well being. The last thing I laughed out loud at was Ruby asking me if we were “fuman beans”? She meant human beings? She is all I need to forget my troubles, what’s your remedy? So that’s next Sunday make sure you do something that makes you laugh. My husband also makes me laugh out loud. Not always intentionally either! The funniest thing was late one night he legged it downstairs to grab a dvd but I had closed the internal doors which I never normally do. So I heard the patter of his feet on the laminate flooring; then a massive thud and he exclaimed “my effing teeth”…Typing this is making me giggle it’s ridiculous. But I was almost sick laughing. Ian was not laughing at all.
The 29th January brings International Fun at Work day. Maybe you can do something to mark that where you work? My favourite though should all those fail to have any impact is Chocolate Cake day on the 27th. So it seems that January has a lot to offer us and joking aside I believe the days ahead will be what we make of them.
If you are feeling “Blue Monday” then maybe you can do something to try and remedy that? That could be professional help; debt advice, holistic therapies, medical help or it could be something you can do to lift or treat yourself. Hot chocolate and an old film, a long walk (in the snow!) spend time with a friend or someone who makes you feel positive, get some sleep… If you are really struggling then there are people who can help. We all need a boost sometimes whatever format that takes. My blogs later this week will look at the work I have done with women who have struggled and how privileged I have been to work with them professional and those I know personally – real “wonder women” in my life.
A picture speaks a thousand words, here is one guaranteed to make you smile.
One wonder woman in particular – my amazing and wonderful friend Julie died last year suddenly, another reminder that life is fragile. If you’ve got a bucket list get on with it, if you don’t have one; compile one. Julie embraced life and adored her children and grandchildren. I intend to make the most of my life by making things the best they can be for me and my family and for anyone less fortunate than me and for now that means giving 150% to working with young people who are homeless at BYPHS. In this weekend of horrendous weather conditions I am glad we exist, its well over 100 young people who without us could be stuck out in this. It doesn’t bear thinking about.
Don’t be under pressure this week. Be kind to yourself. Let others be kind to you. Look after yourself because if you don’t you can’t look after others. “You can’t pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself first.”
Love M x