


Ah! Mama, what makes you feel so upset? Your weekend started with the baby’s tantrums and a tiff with your hubby. Oh! A bad day followed by the messy stew of guilt, inner turmoil and tears. It is fine and takes place the world over. Does this truth make you feel better? Now close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow the events of the day come and go. Surrender completely, accept them and be peaceful. Remember you want to move on. Are they hovering for long? Ah! don’t worry, treat them the way you treat uninvited guests. Recall that you are polite, you offer them a drink and you spend time with them only to say goodbye in a detached manner. Think simply that this unpleasant event gate crashed into your life so just be polite. You can’t do this by looking backwards. So move forward and look ahead as some wonderful moments await you. Now smile to relax. Sit comfortably for 15 minutes…. and let go! Open your eyes and walk towards your sweet world. Sit beside your hubby; hug the little one to feel her heart beat and the rhythm of her b r e a t h . Y o u a r e amazingly at peace and so much at ease. Meditation helps to make up and be happy in a matter of minutes.
Meditation equips us with great vibes and helps us to be in sync with nature. It gives deep rest, slowly

silences the chattering mind and boosts patience. Imagine, your mind is quiet and is tuned in to optimism and peace. Ah! You dwell in the present moment, do your best and remain stress free. Meditation adds hours to your day as you say goodbye to time consuming jittery ways, swearing moments and spoiled events. Meditation improves the experience of motherhood. Your peaceful demeanour will help you to understand your child who communicates with smiles and frowns, movements and incessant babbles. Empower yourself with meditation. Try online meditation experience with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to equip yourself with just the right vibes to stay in tune all along.