This week’s article is all about ‘Relationship Etiquette’. Most people intuitively know the importance their impact can have on other people. It would be no exaggeration to say that people are the most valuable resources that we have. Since relationships are so central to life it is important to know the etiquette around creating and maintaining strong relationships. Firstly, do not judge a book by its cover. Psychologists say that perceptions are formed within 7 seconds of meeting someone. Whist this is insightful often our initial perceptions may put us off from creating rapport with another person. Be the bigger person, challenge your initial judgements especially if they are negative and look for areas of common ground. Secondly, if you have a tendency to negatively voice your views about people’s appearance and clothes stop in your tracks. This behaviour will most definitely damage your relationships and credibility; trust will be broken and will take a very long time to rebuild. Remind yourself firstly that not everyone is superficial and when you point one finger at someone there are 3 pointing back at you. This pompous behaviour will not help you win any brownie points with anyone. Thirdly, if you have a natural tendency to offend people with the comments you make, start thinking before speaking. Extraverts have tendency to talk and then think, however Introverts think and then speak. Take a leaf out of an Introverts book. Before you speak – ask yourself: Why am I talking? (W.A.I.T). Try to listen more and be more curious about others (this builds relationships). Refrain from looking down your nose at people (judging) and become more open to the possibility that everyone has something unique to offer; you may learn something new.Lastly be consistent with your behaviour. When you are consistent you create trust and credibility. If your behaviour changes on different occasions this sends out mixed messages around your authenticity and reliability as an individual. If you change when people are around ask yourself why you are doing this and what is driving your behaviour. Ask yourself if it is building or breaking your relationships.If you want to raise your own self-awareness seek feedback from people you trust and start to understand the impact you have. Ultimately the world is a very small place and personal branding has never been more important than now. Seek to build relationships as opposed to damage them. Don’t forget to ‘Like’ us on FB, follow us on Twitter and email us: Good
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