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The Self Development Discussion Group

The Self Development Discussion Group

Imagine achieving all our goals. Being so productive in your day that you feel fulfilled at the end and still have energy for more. Being so driven that you succeed in all that you do. Welcome to the Self Development Discussion Group. We are a group of like minded people from all walks of life who are trying to build a community of people who are passionate about personal development, about achieving our dreams and about being the best person we can be.


Self development is the process of changing ones mindset so that anything is possible and then actually achieving your vision. The journey of personal growth, is exhilarating and rewarding. So what is the need for the group… well there is an expression, “strength in numbers”. If on your own you try to achieve something challenging it can be tough. But imagine, you had a group of people behind you, vying for your success, encouraging you through the process. How powerful would that be, and how inspiring would that make your journey. These are some of the effects of being a participant of this group. Through discussion and peership we help each other along, giving each other tools and encouragement on our journey.

My name is Yatin Mistry and I am one of the co founders of the Self Development Discussion Group. I have had a passion for growing beyond my limitations for over 15 years. I have studied and been practising many of the self development techniques out there which has helped me to reach many of my personal goal. I now want to help people reach their own potential and be the best person they could be.

If you want to change your life, grow beyond your dreams and succeed in all that you do, come along to our group. We are a friendly and passionate group of people that welcome all what ever your background. We meet on a monthly basis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1 Quebec Place, Bolton, BL3 5JW. We have a Facebook group where you can stay informed of all our events.


Yatin Mistry