On Wednesday 13th November, Bolton College hosted ‘A Taste of Bolton: Master Chef Cook-off’, organised by the group ‘Women in Neighbourhoods’. Teams in three categories – Students, Community & Business – competed for the top prizes for Recipe & Taste and for Presentation of Food. The event was organised by Gulnaz Brennan, Chair of Women in...
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Tag: Awards
Bolton Film Festival 2018
The first Bolton Film Festival, in 2017, went even better than Festival Director Adrian Barber expected and was voted a ‘Top 100 Festival’ from over 6,00 worldwide. Among the highlights was ‘The Silent Child’, a short film that won the ‘Film for Change’ award at the Bolton Festival and later went on to win an Oscar....
Bolton at Home Stars of the Community
On Thursday 22nd February, Bolton at Home held their annual Stars of the Community awards evening at the Premier Suite in the Macron Stadium. The programme began with an excellent performance by the Bolton Youth Brass band and then Tracy Woods, Chair of Bolton at Home, and Jon Lord OBE, Chief Executive, gave their speeches...
Bolton Film Festival – Community Shorts
The first Bolton Film Festival included a number of British and International ‘Community’ films. Entries in this category included productions made in an around Bolton by local groups and indeed the winner, ‘Anxiety – Ellis’s Story’, a powerful and thought-provoking piece about the effects of addiction, was created and produced by Mr One Million, a...
Bolton Film Festival- Awards
Bolton saw its first ever film festival this week. Brainchild of film-maker Adrian Barber and his partner Zoe Rothwell, the inaugural Bolton Film Festival was hosted by the The Light Cinema on 20th and 21st September. A total of 56 films, made by animators, community groups, independent film-makers and students were screened and the wide...
MBDA UK – #IWA2017 GOLD SPONSOR Supports Inspirational Women of Bolton
Women in Neighbourhoods (WiN) are delighted to announce that MBDA Missile Systems has come aboard as a Gold Sponsor for the 2017 Inspirational Women Awards at the University of Bolton on 12th May. Jointly held by the Airbus Group, BAE Systems and Leonardo, MBDA Systems is a multi-national group with 10,000 employees across France, Germany,...
Stars of the Community Awards
Stars of the Community Awards More than 400 people attended Bolton at Home’s 10th annual Stars of the Community Awards dinner, at the Premier Suite in the Macron Stadium, on Thursday December 3rd. The event was ably hosted by ‘King of Comperes’ Norman Prince and, following the entertainment provided by barbershop chorus the Phoenix Knights...