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Crompton Litter Picking Event

Crompton Litter Picking Event

On Monday 26th May, Bolton community development partnership (Bolton CDP) in collaboration with St. Thomas primary school, the councillors of Crompton Ward in Bolton, Bolton Green Umbrella, Crompton Neighbourhood Management and members of faith groups based on Crompton launched the Kingsley Street community garden project. The students of St Thomas year 5 and 6 leading to...

First public meeting announced for “Friends of School Hill”

First public meeting announced for “Friends of School Hill”

Friends of School Hill (FOSH), a community group aims at providing the local community with the opportunity to be involved in totally inclusive and accessible activities to promote their well-being and community cohesion announced its first public meeting. This project is initialy focusing on a piece of land located at the Egyptian street off Blackburn road, given to...

dementia awareness day

Dementia Awareness Day at Halliwell UCAN Centre

BCDP  in partnership with Ambition for aging , Precious gems , Bolton CVS , Bolton university and Halliwell Neighbourhood management, is happy to be hosting Dementia awareness day event. Please come along for our tea and coffee session to find out more about dementia. There will also be a tester session for circle dancing for dementia.

Bolton Community Development Partnership (BCDP)

Bolton Community Development Partnership (BCDP)

BCDP is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation established in 2015. It consists of a multidisciplinary team of dedicated men and women from diverse fields of interest including health, business, research, the civil service, academic, politics, policy, journalists, faith and legal background. We are passionate in working together to build the knowledge base and improve the policy...