Blog New Year 2017 I wrote my first ever blog in January 2016 and talked about the highs and lows of Christmas for young people who are homeless. My blog focussed on the generosity of people who have wanted to make a difference to people down on their luck. At the end of that blog...
Latest News:
Mayor hails GMP out of special measures
Bollywood Chai Café Launch
Tackling health inequalities and accelerating net zero transition
Onion Seed Na’an Bread
History of Shrove Tuesday, known as Pancake Day
Experiencing Bolton Market
Today is Safer Internet Day
Film Review: Joker (2019)
Tom, the Birdman of Bolton
Film Review: Twenty-One Bridges
Interview with Amanda Edwards, ground crew aircraft engineer for the RAF
Christmas Lights Switch On in Bolton Town Centre
Remembrance Service at Bolton Town Hall
There is no Planet B
Bolton Christmas Lights Switch-on 2019
A Taste of Bolton
5:30 AM Update on Cube Fire
Tag: Maura
Maura’s Blog 7- The Ripple Effect
I checked the dictionary, and a ripple, by definition, is a small wave on the surface of the water. We know that once started, the waves go on and on. It also has another definition – a type of ice cream with wavy lines of syrup running through it. But never mind that, my favourite...
Maura’s Blog 6- Sparkling Moments
I never thought that the blogs would be so far reaching and people are stopping me to say that they connected with some issue I wrote about, people are amazing aren’t they? I have been told this week the blogs have been inspiring. So my final thought is this; your actions, words, deeds and behaviour...
Maura’s Blog 5 – ‘I am not fat’
I forgot to eat lunch today……. I just can’t eat…….. I have lost my appetite. These are statements that I have never used! Most of my adult life I have been overweight. I am currently overweight. I was a fairly average sized teenager and was pregnant at the age of 18. I ate for two...
Maura’s Blog 4- Women, W.O.M.A.N
I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity whilst blogging of talking about women family, work and friendship. This is not political or exclusively professional in any sense just a series of observations. As I started to make notes for this piece I got to thinking about the women that have influenced me over the...
Maura’s Blog 3 – Under Pressure, it’s Blue Monday!
Well it’s Blue Monday today, the dreaded Monday that we are told is the low point after the New Year. The day the credit card statements arrive, the lull before the next pay cheque and the week when you’ve just about broken every new year’s resolution. Wow, happy days eh? Well I say that’s bobbins....
Maura’s Blog 2- Men, Me & Dating
As I approach my 1st wedding anniversary next month I have been thinking about the men in my life and dating which has been eventful to say the least. I have been married three times. Today’s blog is not work related it is about me, men and dating. Whilst I feel fairly experienced I would...
Maura’s Blog 1- Work & Me
Happy New Year everyone although the holiday season seems so very far away now. Welcome to my first ever blog for Chai times it’s a privilege to have been asked. My name is Maura Jackson and I am the CEO of a local charity called Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme, a service which provides accommodation...